Groom & Board Tour


Keeping your pet on a regular grooming and nail trim schedule is important for their health, especially for our more furry and fluffy friends! And while grooming can be stressful for some, we take a number of steps to ensure your pet comes home relaxed and looking great. Our pup salon utilizes a quiet lift table for easier access without being loud and scary, a Hydro Surge tub and bathing system for a quicker bathing experience, and high-quality shampoos and conditioners to leave your pet smelling amazing. Our grooming staff pays close attention to your pet’s ears and skin and will report any concerns to you along with our veterinary staff. Each visit finishes with a final brush out, festive bandana, and a spritz of cologne – your pet will never look better!


Behind every well-intentioned pet owner is usually a busy schedule and a guilty feeling when your dog is left home alone all day. Enter doggy daycare at River Valley! Daycare is a great way for your pet to exercise, socialize, and come home happy, healthy and tired. We offer daycare Monday-Friday and we hold two playgroups per day with lunch and downtime in-between. We keep the safety of your pet as our number one priority, and our staff is highly trained and able to handle any kind of dog interaction safely and efficiently.

Pups R Us

Required Age: 8-20 weeks
Price: $140
Class Length: 6 Weeks
Wednesdays, January 8th – February 12th
Wednesdays, February 19th – March 26th
Meeting Time: ***Times for the classes 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Instructor: Chris Mosley

A fun and fast-paced six-week class for puppies 8 – 20 weeks of age. This class will prepare you and your puppy for a lifetime of companionship and fun together. Your puppy will learn basic commands such as sit, down, stay and come when called. Through games, drills, and other activities, we will help your puppy to become a confident and well-socialized member of your family. Health and behavior topics will be discussed by our experienced instructors. On the last night of class, you and your puppy will use the skills you’ve learned to participate in some fun training games. So, bring your puppy, a 4-6 foot leash, a buckle collar or Gentle Leader, and your sense of humor! Two people are welcome to attend.

No flexi leads or training collars.

Note – All puppies need to be current on rabies, distemper, bordetella, and canine influenza vaccines to attend class.

No refunds will be issued once class has begun. If you withdraw before the class begins, you will receive a refund minus a $10.00 handling fee. Classes are not transferable. All classes must have at least 5 dogs registered to run. Classes may be postponed a week or cancelled if there is not enough demand. Please register early to avoid schedule changes.

Note – All dogs need to be current on rabies, distemper, bordetella, and canine influenza vaccines to attend class.

Level I

Required Age: 6 months and older
Price: $140
Class Length: 6 Weeks
Wednesdays, January 8th – February 12th (The class is already filled!)
Wednesdays, February 19th – March 26th
Meeting Time: ***Times for the classes 7:15 – 8:15 PM
Instructor: Chris Mosley

Enhance your dog’s knowledge of proper dog behavior including sit, down, stay, walking nicely on a leash, polite greetings, coming when called, and proper social etiquette. Two people are welcome to attend. We’ll meet once weekly for one hour. Handlers must be at least 15 years old.

No flexi leads or training collars. *Dogs under 6 months by instructor approval only.

No refunds will be issued once class has begun. If you withdraw before the class begins, you will receive a refund minus a $10.00 handling fee. Classes are not transferable. All classes must have at least 5 dogs registered to run. Classes may be postponed a week or cancelled if there is not enough demand. Please register early to avoid schedule changes.