Your puppy is growing at an incredible rate! In the first six months, your puppy will be potty trained, go to puppy school, lose baby teeth, get adult teeth and start puberty! A year old dog is equivalent in age to an 8 year old person!
This is why it is so important to have your dog examined several times during the first 6+ months. During these exams, the doctor will assess the overall health of your puppy. These appointments are also a great time to ask questions of the technician and doctor about the care of your puppy, housebreaking or any behavioral concerns that you may have.
Here’s what to expect during your puppy’s first year:
First Visit (7-9 Weeks)
- Physical Exam
- Fecal sample to check for intestinal parasites
- First distemper combination vaccination
- Bordetella (Kennel Cough Vaccination)
- CIV (canine influenza vaccine)
- Preventive Deworming
- Begin internal parasite prevention program
- Register for Pups ‘R Us Class
Second Visit (11-13 Weeks)
- Physical Exam
- Introduce Nail Trimming, Dental care and Ear cleaning
- Second distemper combination vaccination
- Second CIV vaccination
- Discuss Lyme vaccination
- Discuss leptospirosis vaccination
- Discuss CIV (canine influenza vaccine)
- Fecal sample to check for intestinal parasites
- Start external parasite prevention program
- Continue internal parasite prevention
Third Visit (15-18 Weeks)
- Physical Exam
- Fecal sample to check for intestinal parasites if second one not yet tested.
- Third distemper combination vaccination; second Lyme vaccination,
- Leptospirosis and Canine Influenza vaccination; Rabies vaccination
- Continue internal/external parasite prevention

Depending on the size and development of your puppy, most puppies will return at 5-6 months of age for baseline wellness/pre-surgical blood tests, check for retained deciduous (baby) teeth, refills of parasite prevention, complete any needed vaccine boosters and consult on behavior, nutrition, spay/ neuter/ gastropexy surgeries and OFA screening options.
6-9 Months
- Physical Exam
- Spay/Neuter +/- Gastropexy
- OFA Hip/Elbow dysplasia screening if desired
- Microchip Placement
- Continue internal/external parasite prevention
Annually (1-7 years of age)
- Physical Exam
- Nutrition Consult
- Fecal sample to check for intestinal parasites
- Wellness Blood Screening with Heartworm/Tick Screen
- Age appropriate Vaccines
- Internal/external parasite prevention
- Dental Cleaning if applicable
Annually or Semi-Annually (7 years and beyond)
- Physical Exam
- Senior Nutrition Consult
- Fecal sample to check for intestinal parasites
- Senior Comprehensive Blood Screening with Heartworm/Tick Screen
- Urinalysis
- Patient Specific Advanced diagnostics as recommended (X-rays, Ultrasound, etc)
- Age appropriate Vaccines
- Internal/external parasite prevention
- Dental Cleaning as recommended

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